Thursday, September 25, 2014

NAMI NEWS: The Second Chance Act? What IS it and WHY should we care?

Senate Judiciary Committee Passes the Second Chance Act 

On Thursday September 18, the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee by a bipartisan vote of 13 to 5 passed legislation to reauthorize the Second Chance Act at $100 million. 

The Second Chance Act, S. 1690helps youth and adults reentering communities after serving time in jail or prison, including offenders living with mental illness. 

This bill provides funding for mental health and substance use treatment as well as employment and housing supportscritical components of recovery for people with these illnesses. 

Without these vital services and supports, these individuals are at risk of cycling back to jail and prison. 

It does what the title says, it gives them a Second Chance.

What you can do to help?

We encourage you to contact your Senators and ask them to co-sponsor and support this important bipartisan bill.

First, see if your Senators are a co-sponsors
If your Senators support the bill thank them and if they do not support this bill ask them to support and to become a co-sponsor. 

Either way, please email your Senators now.

How is YOUR Health Insurance Treating YOU? (Deadline to take survey 10/17/2014)

How is your Health Insurance Treating You?  

Our nation’s health care system is changing dramatically. 

Major changes are happening in mental health care with the new health insurance marketplaces and the final parity rule requiring mental illness to be treated on equal terms with physical illness. 

Because these changes are so important, NAMI-Charlotte wants to understand how they affect your health insurance coverage.

That's where you come in.  We NEED your help/participation!

We at NAMI-Charlotte are asking everyone applicable to PLEASE take this survey on behalf of yourself or your loved ones in need of mental health and/or substance use care. 

It should only take an investment of your time of about 15-30 minutes.

Spread the word to your friends, family, co-workers, and colleagues. Post the link on your Facebook or Twitter! The more responses we get, the stronger NAMI's advocacy will be.

Deadline to take this important survey is Oct. 17.

LINK to take survey:

LINK to take survey in SPANISH:

Thank you for your advocacy!

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

NAMI Charlotte to Offer Family-to-Family in Spanish starts October 14th

  NAMI Charlotte to Offer Family-to-Family in Spanish! 
Accepting Registration for 
De Familia a Familia 
to Start October 14th

We are thrilled to announce that NAMI Charlotte will be offering North Carolina's first Family-to-Family class in Spanish - De Familia a Familia!

Family-to-Family is an educational course for family, caregivers and friends of individuals living with mental illness.

October 14th - November 20th
Tuesdays and Thursdays
Camino Community Center, 201 Stetson Drive, Charlotte

Find a Flyer in Spanish to share HERE

Gratuito para personas que tienen un familiar con:

  • Depresion SeveraTrastorno 
  • Bipolar (Trastorno maniaco-depresivo)
  • Esquizofrenia y Trastorno Esquizoafectivo
  • Trastorno Fronterizo de la Personalidad
  • Trastorno de Panico y Trastorno Obsesivo-compulsivo
  • Trastornos Cerebrales y Trastornos de Adiccion concurrentes

Una serie de 12 sesiones, estructuradas para ayudar a los familiars a comprender y apoyar a su ser querido que padece una enfermedad mental, y al mismo tiempo ensenarles como preservar su propio bienestar.  Este curso esta a cargo de voluntarios capacitados por NAMI que saben por experiencia propia lo que es que un ser querido este luchando con uno de estos trastornos cerebrales.  El Programa De Familia a Familia de NAMI es completamente gratuito.  Mas de 300.000 personas en Estadeos Unidos, Canada, Mexico e Italia han completado este curso.  Estamos seguros de que usted quedara satisfecho con la gran ayuda que ofrece este programa.  Lo invitamos a llamar para obtener mas informacion.

Las clases seran los Martes y Jueves de 6:30 a  9:00 pm. Comienzan el Martes, 14 de Octubre 2014,   hasta el 20 de Noviembre, 2014.  Se require inscripcion y es solamente para familiares o cuidadores.

Lugar:     Camino Community Center   201 Stetson Drive, Charlotte NC.  28262
Elsa MacDonald   980-237-6414 
Carolina Bonillo  704-780-3509

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

NAMI's National Day of Action - SEP 4, 2014

September 4th is NAMI's National Day of Action

1 in 4 Americans are affected by mental illness. 1 in 17 live with a serious mental illness. Suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in the United States. Mental Illness costs America $193.2 billion in lost earnings each year.

These numbers need to change!

We are calling on Congress to take action on mental health right now. Join with thousands of others on September 4th, to bring national attention to the need for comprehensive mental health legislation.

Reach out to your member of Congress. Tell them how important mental health is to you.

Tweet. Email. Call. Get their attention. Tell them that this can’t wait.


Mental illness affects everyone. Nearly 60 million Americans experience a mental health condition every year. Regardless of race, age, religion or economic status, mental illness impacts the lives of at least one in four adults and one in 10 children across the United States.

People living with mental illness need help and hope: they need a community that supports them, their families and their recovery.

Because mental illness devastates the lives of so many Americans, NAMI works every day to save every life.

NAMI is the National Alliance on Mental Illness, the nation’s largest grassroots mental health organization dedicated to building better lives for the millions of Americans affected by mental illness. NAMI advocates for access to services, treatment, supports and research and is steadfast in its commitment to raise awareness and build a community for hope for all of those in need.

NAMI is the foundation for hundreds of NAMI State Organizations, NAMI Affiliates (such as NAMI-Charlotte) and volunteer leaders who work in local communities across the country to raise awareness and provide essential and free education, advocacy and support group programs.


About National Day of Action

NAMI’s National Day of Action 2014  is a national campaign happening both online and in person in which we are asking supporters all across the country to stand up for the issues that are important to us. We are asking Congress to take action, pass legislation and support individuals living with mental illness and their families.

NAMI’s National Day of Action is not only happening on Capitol Hill—it’s happening nationally in the digital space. Be part of the conversation by sharing your National Day of Action experience on Twitter and Facebook.

If you tweet please use #Act4MentalHealth—take photos, impressions and be sure to thank your congressional offices by tweeting directly to them.


#Act4MentalHealth with every message throughout the day so we can grow the movement and get our issue trending.

Add your voice to the conversation and join NAMI in telling Congress to #Act4MentalHealth.

Please email, call or tweet your member of Congress September 4th! 



This Web Log posts NAMI-Charlotte ''news & announcements'' about upcoming local, regional and national events related to our organization.  

To stay updated, and "in the loop", please FOLLOW OUR BLOG BY EMAIL by using the "sign up" box (upper right of page).


Charlotte, NC Affiliate of the National Alliance on Mental Illness

For more information about NAMI-Charlotte and other local Charlotte, NC mental health support groups, education, events and more, please visit    

NAMI-Charlotte Phone: 704–333–8218