Friday, March 29, 2013

Free 12 Week Mental Health Course for Family Members

UPCOMING EVENTS: F2F Mental Health Course

Family to Family class will begin the week of SEP1st and end the week of NOV 17th.
OVERVIEW: F2F Program:
Family–to–Family Education Program

The NAMI Family–to–Family Education Program is a free 12–week course for family caregivers of individuals with severe brain disorders (mental illnesses). The course is taught by trained family members. Class is in session for twelve classes which are 2 1/2 hours meeting once a week.

All instruction and course materials are free for class participants.

The curriculum focuses on schizophrenia, bipolar disorder (manic depression), clinical depression, panic disorder, Borderline personality disorder and obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD). The course discusses the clinical treatment of these illnesses and teaches the knowledge and skills that family members need to cope more effectively:

Phone: 704-333-8218
NAMI–Charlotte, an affiliate of both the North Carolina State and National Alliance on Mental Illness, is a non–profit 501(c)(3) grass-roots organization, and is the only Mecklenburg County organization that focuses exclusively on people with serious and persistent mental illnesses such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, (manic–depression) borderline personality disorder and unipolar disorder (depression).
Our members include individuals suffering from mental illness, family members of the mentally ill, professionals’ in the mental health field and concerned citizens.
LEARN MORE: Please visit

Monday, March 18, 2013

A DIfferent Type of "March Madness" - Mental Illness Forum Tonight in Charlotte

What GRADE Would You Give Emergency Care Services in Mecklenburg County? (in regard to responding to, treating, and overall effectively serving the needs of those suffering from mental illnesses in Charlotte, NC and other cities within Mecklenburg County.)

Michael Gordon, of the Charlotte Observer, asked the question...and recently dug into this complex topic.

There is a FORUM tonight, Monday March 18, 2013, at UNC Charlotte's Center City building, but although FREE, quickly "SOLD OUT" - more than 400 people registered.

If you didn't get a ticket or are unable to attend tonight's forum, you can watch the entire forum below!

VIDEO of ENTIRE MARCH 2013 Charlotte, NC Mental Health FORUM:
"Solving It Together"

(NOTE: LONG VIDEO = 1 hour, 42 minutes)

ABOUT NAMI-CHARLOTTE: NAMI–Charlotte, an affiliate of both the North Carolina State and National Alliance on Mental Illness, is a non–profit 501(c)(3) grass-roots organization, and is the only Mecklenburg County organization that focuses exclusively on people with serious and persistent mental illnesses such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, (manic–depression) borderline personality disorder and unipolar disorder (depression).

Our members include individuals suffering from mental illness, family members of the mentally ill, professionals’ in the mental health field and concerned citizens.

To Learn More, visit our website: