Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Education and Insight on Mental Illness with NAMI's Family to Family Program

What is NAMI’s Family-to-Family Program?
The NAMI Family-to-Family Education Program is a free, 12-week course for family caregivers of individuals with severe mental illnesses. 
  • The course is taught by trained family members 
  • All instruction and course materials are free to class participants
  • Over 300,000 family members have graduated from this national program
What does the course include?
  • Current information about schizophrenia, major depression, bipolar disorder (manic depression), panic disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, borderline personality disorder, and co-occurring brain disorders and addictive disorders
  • Up-to-date information about medications, side effects, and strategies for medication adherence
  • Current research related to the biology of brain disorders and the evidence-based, most effective treatments to promote recovery
  • Gaining empathy by understanding the subjective, lived experience of a person with mental illness
  • Learning in special workshops for problem solving, listening, and communication techniques
  • Acquiring strategies for handling crises and relapse
  • Focusing on care for the caregiver: coping with worry, stress, and emotional overload
  • Guidance on locating appropriate supports and services within the community
  • Information on advocacy initiatives designed to improve and expand services

Go to NAMI.ORG for more information or to JOIN US!

Friday, January 18, 2013

NAMI-Charlotte Will you win?

Greetings and Happy New Year to all!

On behalf of NAMI-Charlotte, I would like to invite you join us with your Annual Membership for 2013.  When you join NAMI-Charlotte – your membership is also recorded with NAMI North Carolina and the NAMI national office.

Given the changes that are occurring in the provision of mental health services, your membership will help us achieve our mission of providing support, education and advocacy for people with mental illness.  We need your voice to be heard during this time of struggle for services.  

Your membership will also help support the programs at NAMI-Charlotte, such as the education classes of our signature program, Family-to-Family, Peer-to-Peer, NAMI Basics, NAMI Connection and our Family Support Group.   We offer In Our Own Voice Program, where consumers share their experiences, strengths and hopes with communities across North Carolina.  And as always, we advocate for individuals, often dealing directly with providers of mental health services to speak for those who are not being heard. 

If you renew by February 28, you will be entered into a special drawing for prizes.
Enclosed you will find a membership form.  Please note that one membership will cover the whole household. Or if appropriate, complete the Open Door category.   Please complete the attached form and send it in with your membership dues today. You may also enroll your membership right on-line

On behalf of NAMI-Charlotte, I salute you for all you do to help individuals and family members with mental illness.  Thank you for your dedication, compassion and ongoing support!

Friday, January 11, 2013

Classes on Mental Health Education

Please know that our next course in MHFA will be on Jan 24-25 (from 8:30a-4p) at Myers Park United Methodist Church, Room 110, 1501 Queens Rd, Charlotte. The cost to attend both days, including meals and materials, is $40. We currently have nine registered participants. We need at least 10 individuals (but no more than 25). Could you please help us fill the class? If payment is an issue for anyone, please let me know. Thank you.
The course provides CEUs for Human Resource Managers only, and is intended to provide basic education on adult mental health diagnoses, treatments, and how to help an individual experiencing a crisis. It is not intended for “mental health professionals” but serves as an overview for family members, faith/clergy members, community members and individuals interested in learning more about mental health issues.
Here is the link to register for the class. Materials describing the course are attached. Please forward this email to others who may be interested.
Thank you and Happy New Year!
The mission of the Mental Health Association of Central Carolinas, Inc. is to promote mental wellness through advocacy, prevention and education. Spreading Hope, Spurring Action, Supporting Families, Saving Lives!

Do you want to be a CIT actor?

Nami is seeking your assistance engaging consumers in recovery as actors for Mecklenburg’s CIT class. Our team has a firm belief that the role play experience is most meaningful for officers when the actors are consumers. Our numbers of consumer actors have gone way down in the last year, and we’ve mostly had certified CIT officers as actors. While this is sufficient, it certainly isn’t ideal. Family members also provide a valuable perspective. Can you help?
The next class is February 11-15. Role plays are Thursday, 2:30-4:30 and Friday 9-11. If you know of anyone who would be a good match for this task, please refer them to me or someone else on the CIT team.
Additional 2013 class dates are:
May 6-10
August 12-16
November 18-22.
Thanks so much for your support of this important, collaborative effort! Please contact Sarah Greene: or call: 704-366-2944 or 704-621-7210.